Day One

First day of my year without sex and I get sick with a cold… I can’t tell if it’s a bad omen or if it’s God’s way of helping me resist whatever temptation there is to back out of this before I’ve really gotten into it. I guess what I’m saying is it’s kind of beneficial to me that I have a cold, it’s more difficult to miss being sexual when you’re sick and don’t feel like it anyway.

Seeing as it’s only day one, clearly I haven’t faced much temptation as of yet. So, right now, things seem easy and carefree… give it a week or so, I’m sure I’ll have a bit of a different outlook by then. I still have a bunch of what-ifs in my head surrounding Blake. Is that bad? I mean, I’m not talking about thwarting the project in light of them coming around… I just mean even though I know I won’t be having sex or any of that stuff for a whole year, I still think about Blake and what I wish I could do with them if I had the chance.

Regardless, day one has been a breeze. As I said, I’m sure it won’t become challenging until later on… but every journey has to start with a first step. I don’t think it’s wrong to be excited about the first steps you take for any given journey… and I plan to be excited about this one too.

Well… excited and nervous. I don’t know why this makes me nervous… but oddly it does. Interesting.

Oh… tomorrow should be more interesting. I’ll most likely be seeing Blake… in a group setting of course, but still. Just being around them tends to um… stir the dust so to speak. I’m sure I’ll have more to rattle on about by then. 

No turning back now.

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